No Bell

Real, candid, conversations on optimizing your technology, life, and mind. We’re joined by Special Operations Veterans, entrepreneurs, investors, and others who have overcome difficulty to make it to the top of their craft by staying in the fight.

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The No Bell Podcast pays homage to the real stories of normal people pushing to do extraordinary things. Each week, we meet people who had a goal and did (or are doing) whatever it takes to achieve it. From military special operations veterans to technology founders—everyone has an origin story that shaped how they chose to face challenges and keep pushing.

“No Bell” references not ringing the bell during US Navy SEAL training that signifies quitting the program. It also serves as a nod to being Noble, and to the philanthropy and contributions of Alfred Nobel.

Learn more about No Bell host, Sam Alaimo, and the rest of the ZeroEyes co-founding team here.